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I’m almost 100% sure you’ve heard that if you eat small meals regularly throughout your day ie 6 times/day, then you will lose weight.

mindful eating

Those that advocate this style of eating/weight loss claim that when you snack frequently you don’t really feel hungry and your metabolism remains stable throughout the day, as does your blood sugar levels.  The end result is that if you eat healthy 6x/day, you’ll lose weight.

Now yes there will be those who argue this is the way to go and they’ve seen the results but…

Mmm I don’t think so….

Hear me out! (and yes disclaimer this is my own opinion based on my expertise and experience) Today,  I want to talk about the mindful concept of…

  • Eat six meals /day and NEVER BE HUNGRY.

Seriously…why would you not allow your body to experience the sensation of hunger?

Hunger is not the enemy here. It’s not to be feared. Surprisingly, when you type ‘hunger” into Dr Google many of the articles that appear talk about hunger negatively…

  • “10 Ways To Deal With Hunger”
  • “How To Control It And Fight Cravings”
  • “Always Hungry …5 Foods To Fill You Up?”

Our bodies are designed in such a way that we have physiological tools in place to ensure we function normally with the end goal of sustaining our fun, fabulous lives! (well I want your and my life to be that way…you and I deserve it!)

When thirsty…drink.

When tired…sleep.

When Hungry…eat.

You get the picture!

Hunger is a great thing. It is an amazing physiological tool that we possess to let us know our body needs to be refuelled.

So if you choose to eat 6x/day you are never allowing your body to operate as it was designed to do. You’re turning off various hormones ie hunger hormones, that are designed specifically to regulate your food intake.

When working with my clients who want to end their struggle with food and dieting once and for all, I explain that hunger should be your friend not your foe. It isn’t something that sends you into a tailspin. It is something you’re aware of and once you determine that is physical hunger not emotional hunger then…guess what?

You eat… healthily and mindfully.

When you discover how to eat mindfully, it has the beautiful benefit of reframing your relationship with food for the better… and yes you do eat less. And yes, if you’d like more evidence, research has shown when you eat mindfully, you begin to drop the kilos/pounds.

Another thing to contemplate is this…are you going to eat 6x/day forever?

Like nearly 99% of all diets, they don’t work! Because what happens when you go off this style of eating and resume your ‘normal’ way? It is more than likely the unwanted weight will return…sorry! Best you know that now before you attempt yet another diet…

And if you’d like scientific research to help convince you…

  • There was a study done at the University of Ottawa and they found that when the recipients ate a low-calorie diet, there was no actually no difference found between the two groups – those that ate 6x/day Vs those that ate 3x/day.
  • Another study found that eating 6x/day did not in fact end in boosted fat loss of calorie burning!
  • And then explained a research review was done and they couldn’t come to any  conclusions about whether meal frequency helps or hurts with weight loss.

So if you’re considering eating 6x /day to drop the weight maybe just maybe, it’s time to reconsider…mindfully?

And what I do know is that nutrition is not an exact science and results vary due to every person’s unique bio-blueprint. Therefore, if  you’ve had a great experience with eating this way and getting the weight loss results please speak up  share it below…

Be Healthy, Happy & Amazing

Caroline x

Avocado on Apple iOS 13.3💙