The 30 Day Sugar Detox Challenge Starts February 3, 2025. 💃🏻 Learn More!

I just had a birthday.

It wasn’t one of those big celebratory style birthdays but it was still significant.


Because I’m surprised how old I am! 
I’m surprised how fast time has flown and….

I’m too young to be this old!!

Do you still feel like you’re in your 30’s like me?
I’m not sure I’m ever going to feel like I’m the age number I am. And that’s a good thing! 

I remember one of my beautiful great aunts telling me exactly that. She was in her late 70’s and said “Darling I still feel like I’m 35 just hanging around in an older woman’s body!”

As woman age we want to defy the aging process. Interestingly this ‘want’ is much more prevalent in women than in men. But lets not go there…

I know many women who have turned to Botox and fillers to correct the passage of time that has been left on their face. And it’s not only those over 40+, many of the gorgeous young girls do it too as a preventative measure.

I don’t believe I will walk that path, but for those that do and it makes them feel fab then… to each her own!

What ever you do remember food can be a powerful way to combat the aging process.

Here are 7 foods full of anti-aging nutrients to include in your everyday.

Let’s start with one of my favourites!

1.     Red Wine. Now many will argue that alcohol should not be part of your diet and if weight loss is on your agenda, then I do recommend limiting or removing it until you reach your ideal weight.

However for those that choose to imbibe occasionally, you will be happy to know it does have a positive effect on your health. This is due to its resveratrol content, a unique anti-oxidant that helps fight against diabetes, heart disease, and age-related memory loss. Drink it wisely and mindfully!

2.     Beans – as in legumes – contain unique proteins that thicken and strengthen your hair cells, so you can enjoy a full head of hair unlike our male counterparts! Mind you can someone tell that to my eyebrows please!

3.     Olive Oil, ideally extra virgin olive oil. The healthy fats in olive oil support healthy arteries and a healthy heart. It contains polyphenols, which are potent anti-oxidants, and they fight a number of age-related diseases. 

4.     Brazil Nuts. Selenium, is a mineral which aids in the production of the anti-oxidant glutathione to help slow down the skin aging process. And guess where you will find your daily quota of selenium? Just 2 nuts a day will provide you with enough selenium to reap its benefits.

5.     Tomatoes. Rich in lycopene, which has been shown to support heart health and healthy cholesterol levels as you age.  Did you also know that Lycopene acts as a natural sun block to keep skin youthful and protected from harmful UV rays? Please note I’m not advocating that tomatoes are your only form of sunblock!!

6.     Berries! Another one of my favourites! No doubt you’ve heard before that raspberries & blueberries contain important anti-oxidants to help offset inflammation and oxidative stress. It is this inflammation and stress that contribute to skin aging and wrinkles.  Go for one serving a day and know that they contain more anti-oxidants than 10 servings of most other fruits and vegetables! If out of season there are great varieties of snap frozen, so you have no excuses.

7.     Organic Eggs. I love eggs, and they have received a bad rap over the years due to their cholesterol content, which fortunately now we have regained our senses, you can ignore! They are rich in biotin and iron, which help to promote healthy, youthful skin and hair. Gotta love that!

Be Healthy, Happy & Amazing!

Caroline x