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“You know things are changing when you don’t recognise yourself in the mirror anymore.

The change I suspect has been a gradual one and perhaps I’ve been too busy moving from A to B to notice. But today I noticed.

I’m the wobbliest I’ve ever been!!! And if I’m being completely honest and open here (no one is listening to me anyway I’m just a talking thigh ) – the bumpiest….holy crap when did this happen?

Is it wobbly thighs syndrome?

There are wobbly bits that weren’t there before and there seems to be little pockets of bumpy (dare I say the ‘C’ word) that definitely were not there before. And as for that inner thigh triangle of air that all the skinny minnies strive, sweat and starve for… well that certainly aint there!

It’s more like my waistline, hips and upper thighs have merged into one new body part – a wahput – my new acronym for waist (wa), hip (hp), upper thigh (ut) – pronounced ‘Wahhhut?’ with a silent P!

This is unfair, how quickly I can go from fit and fabish to fit with flab! If you were to see me in jeans you just might snort at me and say you’re being ridiculous …it’s all relative everyone has their own standards which they follow! And …  you can’t see what lies below and I can see the wobbles!

Till now I’ve been fit, toned, strong, fast and long – thankfully I’m still holding onto my last redeeming feature … I’m still long – osteoporosis isn’t rearing its ugly head just yet!!!!

My life to date has been busy – running, tennis, hiking, skiing, standing, netball, dancing, zumba, yoga, walking, walking and more walking. God knows how many kilometers I’ve travelled but I know it’s a hell of a lot!

If I take a walk down memory lane my early years were carefree and fun, running, climbing chasing – the life of a tomboy with two big brothers and couldn’t be happier. They say those early years are the imprint years, 0-6 years when you just take it all in, life and everything that is happening around you.

Then from 7-12 years its the modeling years – you’re modeling your behaviour on the people who are important to you – immediate family, friends. This is when it started I suspect, to go down hill!

It was at this time I remember being told I resembled my footballing father – not my modeling mother!! (Remember this is a thigh talking!) Who ever said it didn’t mean to offend, but that thought stuck and morphed into the feeling that I was always on the bigger side. I’m a big thigh!!

When I was a teen, my best friend and I created the perfect body – using the length of me but the shape of her legs because she had much more air! Then we added my waist and flat tummy, a combination of our boobs  (infact I had nothing to offer they were all hers!) into a budding B/C cup, her blonde straight hair and my blue eyes– god knows what happened to the rest of our faces!!

Crazy but true! Teen girls at their best, sadly, not happy with the wonderful bodies we’d been given but striving for something else … something unattainable!

This belief, I’m a big thigh – I now know was a limiting belief- stuck for a very long time. It wasn’t until I worked on my limiting beliefs 5 years ago that I changed the way I looked and thought about myself! I saw myself in a new light, I didn’t look upon myself with dread and sometimes disgust, I just saw something strong and capable!!

But now I’m wobbly and bumpy.

So how have I arrived here? Thinking about it, over the past few months I’ve been on the slacker side with exercise. Walking is my thing and I’ve dropped off on both quantity and quality – the amount of times per week and the pace at which I walk. It’s all been a little ho hum. The two sessions per week of strength training have also fallen by the wayside big time … just not happening.

I’ve been coming up with a few too many excuses. So now BOOM my new wobbly wahput is staring back at me in the mirror. Do you think I could I trademark Wahput?

Age and hormones also play an important role and I’ll investigate that added joy to my life next time.

It’s May – the month of thinking and practicing mindfulness. As of today one of my mindful missions is to get rid of the wobble and the bumpy bits.


So there are three requirements for change.

1) Realise its a problem – 

2) Realise it can be different for you – 

3) Realise it’s up to me/you to make that difference

So my action points are as follows:

Measure: I’m not into before and after shots of myself so I’ll take some measurements and post them next week so there’s no going back.

Act: A new exercise regime is required which will be specific – I know you can’t spot lose with weight but you can spot target with exercise.

Time: Its 7 weeks and 3 days before I’m putting on a bikini (hello incentive) so that is my time frame.

Wish me good luck and my wobbly waphut goodbye!.

Do you have any wobbly bits that weren’t there before?


Be Happy, healthy & Amazing!

Caroline’s thigh!!