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My mission is to educate and empower you with the mindset and weight loss tools you need to be that fabulous, fit, healthy, glowing person you want and absolutely deserve to be.


So you’d like to know more about me?


Firstly thank you for arriving on my web-step. I believe you’re here for the right reasons, we’re destined to meet and naturally you’re a little curious like I would be too. 

And secondly, I’d like to thank you for taking some time out for you. If you’re anything like me, you’re extremely busy whether that is at work, at home or a combo of both. Spending the majority of your time doing everything for everyone else and leaving you, your health and your waistline on the back burner for another day.

Your journey to a healthier version of you, a slimmer, fitter, happier you doesn’t have to be hard, in fact I’d love to support you on that journey as that is what I love to do.


But I digress more about me…Where do I start? 


I could go way back, but I know you don’t have that much time; instead I’ll start my story in 2004.

After 15+ years in the ad industry and 3 babies later, I returned to university completing a post grad in nutrition. Let’s just call it my mid life crisis!!

I’ve been working with women for over 12 years, like you, who are amazing and successful in what they do – whether it’s their career, their passions or family – and they do it well.  

However, the one thing they’re leaving behind is
 the most important…themselves.

They’ve shared with me how they’ve been on more diets than they care to remember – they’ve lost the weight, felt great for five minutes, sometimes three weeks or if they’re lucky four months and then BAM the weight is back plus more. 

They feel more miserable than when they started.

Everything else in their life is on track
why can’t they just get this part – their weight, their health in sync too? 

Does that resonate with you even just a little?

You’re at the point in your life where something has to give, there has to be something or someone that gets it and can support you with the help you need… once and for all.

Guess what you’re not alone and it’s not your fault.

So why do I call myself Your Mindset Nutritionist?


Because dropping the kilos is more than going on a diet. 

Diets do not work!

Yes I’m more than happy to sit down with you, advise you on how to move your body, what to eat, how and when to eat and I suspect you know all about that anyway!

Yes can leave my office energised and motivated. But for how long?

I have the nutritional knowledge you need  – wellness and weight loss is my genius zone  – but none of that is good to either of us if your head is not in the right place.

That dilemma was my biggest frustration. My answer is the missing link.

 I knew there was a better way to do this. An approach where you’d feel like you’ve never felt before.

I became certified so I could:


  • Positively and permanently change your mindset
  • Release those negative emotions and limiting beliefs that you may not even realise are constantly weighing you down and keeping you stuck.
  • Change the way you think about foods while healing your relationship food, your body and self esteem.
  • Change nasty habits and cravings which keep you where you are, plus a whole lot more!


I help you achieve a happier, healthier, slimmer, and more energised version of yourself. It has worked for many, many of my amazing clients and me.

Together we can make this change happen for you. You deserve to take this time, take your self of the back burner and be the healthiest version of you
the you, you deserve to be. 

“It’s almost as if willpower doesn’t even come into play…I’ve changed the way I think about food and lost 24kgs in the process.” 

Desiree W.

Some fun facts about me…

  • I love learning, in fact I’m a life long learner.

  • I tell it straight! I ensure all information I impart is nutritionally sound, I won’t &*(&$#!! 

  • I love eating food that is in season, fresh and real.

  • Avocados and mangoes are my favourites!

  • I love that food can heal and can be your medicine

  • I’m all for ageing gracefully – inside and out.

  • I am an OK cook and happily admit a lousy baker and want a chef to appear at my door 

  • I love being out side, I walk a lot and being close to water is one of my favourite things .

  • I’m a moon watcher!

  • I possess a ridiculous passion for all things French, including the language and food, so I won’t start on that topic it may take over this page!

  • I love my family and friends, they make me whole.

Hey! Meet me in person!

​I warmly invite you to join my private Facebook group – Easy Weight Loss Mindfully for Women 40+

Look out for Weight Loss Wednesday. A live weekly training where I share tips, tools and strategies for a healthier you + loads more.

Ask your questions and be the first to know about new masterclasses, free resources and programs etc.