The 30 Day Sugar Detox Challenge Starts February 3, 2025. 💃🏻 Learn More!


Your body is the only one you have in this life time (unless you  know something I don’t!). Therefore you must look after it, treat it with care and love it with all your heart. You shouldn’t view your health, what you eat, how you move as a chore or as this thing, this project that you either pay attention to, or abandon and give up.


Becoming the healthiest version of you, should be part of your everyday for the rest of your life.  Sometimes it is harder than others, and when it is, don’t beat yourself up or give yourself a hard time or be that mean girl, you know the one, who makes those snide remarks.


Just stop, take a deep breath (or ten!), acknowledge where you went and take the time to work out why you went there. Stressed, emotional, tired, overwhelmed, frustrated, the list goes on…. Take one more big deep breath, give yourself a hug and hop straight back on your path to a healthier you! Be kind to yourself, you can do this!


Can you relate to beating yourself up sometimes..dare I ask.. all the time?


Be Happy & Healthy….You deserve to be!
