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What other people think about you is none of your business!

Harsh but true. You are in charge of your thoughts, so sorry as much as you may like to be, you can not be in control of theirs.

This thought is empowering in it self. We are in control of our thoughts. Our thoughts are so powerful – they can dictate whether we live a life full of love, happiness, laughter, abundance and health or a life sadly lacking in all or some of these.

If your life is not as you wish or as you’d planned then change your thoughts. Change your thoughts ..change your life.  You may at this point scoff at such an idea, but don’t write it off just yet!  You are in control of your thoughts, you cannot blame anyone else for what your are thinking, no one else can put those thoughts into your head, so think positively about how you want your life to be.

Do not dwell on the negative -putting your self and others down; saying you can’t do things; telling yourself that you are a failure; too fat; lazy; stupid – dare I go on? We are all guilty of such unkind thoughts about ourselves. You wonder why we do it to ourselves when it doesn’t have to be that way.

Your thoughts become real, so:

  • Choose thoughts that promote you.
  • Choose thoughts that make you a better person, warmer, kinder, more loving.
  • Choose thoughts that support you in being healthier, fitter, slimmer, energised – the healthiest version of you that you can be.

It is so important to take the time to check in with your self. What are you thinking- is it negative? Then switch to positive. Is it unkind about you or someone else? Then let it go and thinks kind thoughts. If you are not going to be kind and loving to your self first who is?.

This practice takes time and the need for you to be aware. Pay attention, be mindful. Take the time to notice what your are saying – don’t say things you don’t want to happen because those words will if not now then one day become your reality.

Be Healthy & Happy!


 Do you have many negative thoughts about yourself?