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caroline silk weight loss
Have you seen “ the weight loss commercial”?  You know which one I’m talking about, right?  It’ s all about ‘I love bread’ , and ‘I changed my life by counting points’. Or the one where they’re talking about their fabulous weight loss and why they suck daily on a shake full of dried ingredients out of carton made in a factory!!

Sigh…Do you want to be chained to a point tracking system or a choc-ice shake that tastes like cardboard day in day out? Do you want to hop on the scale to do a weekly “weigh-in”? Don’t let points or the scale determine your success.

Success is about nourishing your body, and I’m not about the blame/shame game, everyone does what they feel is right at the time. Hey I went to Weight Watchers with a girlfriend, admittedly more out of curiosity, but I did get swept up in the whole palava… mind you I only lasted about 6 weeks!!

However  I digress…I didn’t become Your Mindset Nutritionist to teach you to deprive yourself like every other fad diet out there. You know my mantra..diets don’t’ work! I’ve struggled too with weight loss. I know exactly what you’re going through – and it’s scary.

It’ s frustrating. It’s flat out difficult and you want put you and losing weight into the too hard basket…for another day.

But, I’m here to help you and teach you how to lose weight naturally and stop counting points and drinking powders once and for all. It’ s time to end the madness Amazing Ones right now.
Can I hear you groan…here we go again?

There are two things I need you to do as from right now. Actually there is three but we’re not talking three today. No 3 being mindset.  You know I believe having your headspace in the right place is the most important step for weight loss, I’ve talked about it many a time but we’re not going there  today – you can go here and here for a refresh.

1) Learn how to eat mindfully and if you need help I have it right here.  Research has shown again and again, by eating mindfully, weight loss is doable!

2) Eat Clean Real Food:  What do I mean when I say clean real food?

  • ♄ It is food with only one ingredient.
  • ♄ It is food that doesn’t need a manufacturer’s food label attached
  • ♄ It is food that doesn’t come in a box or carton
  • ♄ It is food that is not found in the middle of your supermarket
  • ♄ It is food that comes from nature not a factory
  • ♄ It is food that that is rich in colour
  • ♄ It s food that is full of nutrients that nourish you
  • ♄ It is food that is full of vitamins and minerals to keep you healthy
  • ♄ It is food that comes from nature – our lands and our seas
  • ♄ It is food that our bodies were designed to eat.

I’m talking veggies, fruits, nuts, seeds, oils (think olive and coconut)  fish, legumes, full fat natural dairy, grass fed meat, poultry and game.

Eating real food does not have to be difficult, you can enjoy weight loss, however you do need to be organised. And I will dive deep into getting organised next week, but for you now, make room in your fridge and pantry and go shopping for one ingredient foods.

The best way to do that is either visit your local farmer’s market or local speciality shops, or, if you are a supermarket shopper then this is what I want you to do from now on.

Shop around the outside rim of the supermarket. Most supermarkets around the world have a very similar layout. So think about it, you walk in and there is the fruits and veggies section, then further you come across the deli, then onto the meat and chicken, then onto the dairy and fridge section. In the middle are rows 1-10 which is full of non real food. Yes I admit, there are some staple items you need however, there is at least 5 rows you have no need to walk down!!

I’m actually going to test that out next time I do a supermarket shop and report back! Until then…

ps My Eat Clean Reset Your Body 14 day program is back by popular demand!! Check it out here!


caroline silk weight loss

Be Healthy, Happy and Amazing!

Caroline x