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 a moment.

He looks like a cowboy from the south, deep in the heart of Texas. The Stetson, the shirt, the boots, a big moustache and the bald head completes the picture.

He doesn’t look like a foody, health guru professional, or a modern whole food medicine man! He is in fact exactly that person and more. His name is Don Tolman and he is coming to Australia and talking and talking for FREE!

If you are are keen to learn more about how you can be the healthiest version of you (of course I can help!!), and take your health to the next level, then register. I have included the link here.

Don Tolman

Here is an excerpt from Don’s event website.


“Do you know someone whose life has been affected by Diabetes, Obesity, Cancer or another disease?

Just imagine if they didn’t have to deal with the burden of that illness every day.

Have you ever wondered why – despite billions of dollars raised and spent on scientific research – these diseases have become rampant and out of control?

Now more than ever, every single day, millions of people blindly hand themselves over to the “health care” industry without giving it a second thought. In today’s ‘quick-fix’ world, very few take the time to stop and reconsider this process and the destructive impact that this is having on the overall health of our society.

There is another common-sense path that depends on the innate, intuitive intelligence of the individual – it’s called the path of Self Care.

The “health care” industry is a global behemoth that thrives financially on the perpetuation of disease, so why on earth would modern science finally deliver the elusive answers that are so desperately needed?

Does it really make sense that the solution to preventing disease is the mass-vaccination of our society?

Is handing out toxic medical drugs to patients (consumers) like they’re Halloween candy making us healthier or sicker?

What do the statistics really tell us about the success rate of the medical industry’s invasive “cut, burn and poison” approach to treating Cancer?

What if the answers to health and longevity are simple?

Imagine having the knowledge, tools and confidence to take charge of your own health destiny – without reliance on “health-care”
” why.

At this exclusive and revealing event with the “Wholefood Medicine Man” (as he’s often referred to in the international media), you’ll have your eyes opened wide.

But above all, you’ll be catapulted into a whole new realm of possibilities for YOUR life and health.

During this totally unique and powerful, Hour event, Don will take you journey 

  • Why the industry of “Health Care” has been totally mis-named
  • The history of the Pharmaceutical industry and how it’s evolved into the system we have today
  • Why Doctor’s offices are called a “Practice” and the true meaning of “Diagnosis”
  • Why treating “Symptoms” does not address the true underlying cause of ill-health and disease
  • The ancient wisdom of foods from nature’s table, their “Signatures” and relationship to the human anatomy
  • Why wholefoods provide the electric force that your cells truly crave
  • “Supplements” and why your body cannot recognise fractured or isolated nutrients
  • The 7 proven, ancient principles of health and longevity
  • Tips for raising your energy levels, shedding unwanted weight, healing ailments and avoiding disease.

I am attending the event on September 11 in Melbourne.  Would love you to join me.

Do you think you’d like to?

Let me know in the comments below.

Be Healthy & Happy


When it comes to your health, you owe it to yourself to seek the truth. And now it’s time the truth were told.