The 30 Day Sugar Detox Challenge Starts February 3, 2025. 💃🏻 Learn More!

Admittedly I received this information via email but happy to share an abbreviated version… and in light of our recent berry scare here in Australia (think infected berries from China people now sick with Hepatitis A!!)  Having  knowledge of what you’re buying is power!

 …..Sometime ago Current Affairs [Aust] did a doco  on frozen vegetables imported from New Zealand. As it  turns out if it is a Coles or Woollies home brand  there is a more than good chance that the product has come from China …

 Products made by McCains, Birdseye and other supposed reputable companies from New Zealand are now purchasing vegie products  from China and selling that product  under their own name.
 Basically  check where it is produced by the comments on the  back of the pack and if it says produced from New  Zealand  or Australia and Imported product it is likely to have Chinese vegies  in it. 
The issues surrounding imported foods include one major concern….
There are no food inspection regulations  of foods grown or processed in China, Vietnam,  Hong Kong, Thailand  India, Indonesia and Mexico..
So how do you differentiate which one is made in Australia, the USA,
Philippines, Taiwan or China  etc?  
For your Information … the  first 3 digits of the barcode is the country code  where-in the product was made.Example:  All barcodes that start with 690/ 691 through to 695 are all MADE  IN CHINA. 
So what are the other country codes:-00  ~ 13 USA & CANADA 
 30  ~ 37 FRANCE 
 40  ~ 44 GERMANY 
 49  ~ JAPAN 
 50  ~ UK 
 57  ~ Denmark 
 64  ~ Finland 
 76  ~ Switzerland and Liechtenstein
 93  ~  Australia
 94  ~ New Zealand
 628 ~ Saudi-Arabian 
 629  ~ United Arab Emirates 
 740  ~ 745 – Central America 
 All  480 Codes are Made in the  Philippines..
Please beware of what you buy – before  buying anything from China, Hong Kong, Vietnam , India, Indonesia, Mexico and Thailand as mentioned unlike USA, Canada,  Australia, Germany , France , Italy , Great Britain et  al., they have ineffective and/or poorly enforced food safety regimes in place.
It is better to be aware …….Anything goes!…….. 



Be Healthy & Happy!

Caroline x