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caroline silk

There but for the grace of God, go I…

As I walked through the park this morning with my dog, I had blue skies above and the sun warming my back. It was a beautiful morning and the temperature hinted of a gorgeous day to come.

I found myself looking at the ground, an unwanted habit I have, rather than what surrounded me. So I stopped and looked up, took a deep breath and breathed it all in.

Doing this automatically puts your headspace in to a better, more positive place. Well for me anyway!

And this morning it was a place of gratitude.

I started to think of my beautiful surroundings and how lucky I am.

Then interestingly, my thoughts went here

It could all have been so very different.

By the sheer fluke of something greater than me – God, Higher Source, Divine Light, Someone Out There, Quantum Physics – what ever you want to call it, I was born in Melbourne, Australia.

A country where life is good, where we have so much available to us, excellent food to eat (I aint talking Maccas!), clean water, a good education, stable government, good employment … you get my drift?

Or I could have been born to another family

In Syria, Ethiopia or Somalia or so many other countries that are struck by conflict, devastation, destruction, drought and death daily.

What would have my life have been like then?

Who would I be?

How would I be living right now?

Would I even be alive right now?

These is where my thoughts wandered while I walked.

I don’t think I was being particularly morbid or depressive, instead thoughtful, curious and in the end very grateful.

As the well known saying goes

There but for the grace of God, go I.

How often are we truly grateful for what we have?

We all get so caught up in the mundane, the nitty gritty of life.

So many times in our busy daily lives we look down and behind rather than up and forward. As said earlier I have the habit of looking down often
 and my intention is to change that from right now!

Looking down and behind into your past, more often than not pulls in the negative vibes. It can keep you stuck.

Think about the sheer physicality of this position, it takes your body into a closed position. Your head is lowered, often shoulders crouched, sometimes a stoop

Open up, stand tall, look up and forward.

Remember to stop and give thanks often (even when you’re feeling shitty) for the small and the big things in your life. Even for the mundane stuff. Be positive. (read more here)


Because for each and every one of us, our lives could be so very, very different.

Be Healthy, Happy & Amazing!

Caroline x

(ps Let me know your thoughts below…Does you head wander off like mine?)