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Oh if I had the answer to the question, is there a right way to lose weight?, I know I’d be in hot demand!!

The Lancet Medical journal published a report stating global obesity rates were increasing worldwide and Australia, is up there with the best of them.  Like many other western countries, the state of obese and overweight people is blowing out of control.

I would argue blown out of control!

In 2014, 63% of adults were overweight and sadly, I can only suspect that number has risen in the last two years. Do you want to know something sadder? One in four Australian children are overweight. Children… who are meant to be under the protection of their parents… How have we arrived at this place of the “unwell’?

Again sadly there are way too many factors that play a role and I would need a book not a blog post to explore them all. And as I’m yet to have any Hay House publishers knocking down my door, the idea I want to talk to with you about is this…

Is there a right was to lose weight?

If there was ONE right way, we would all know about it, it would be called THE RIGHT DIET, and quite frankly we would not be faced with the health problems that we see today.

Consumers are totally confused as there are so many mixed messages out there and what is considered healthy one day is banned the next. The superfood of last year is out and hale to kale is in! You can low fat, high fat, low carb, no carb, 5:2, high protein, low protein, red meat in, red meat out, fasting, gluten gone, sugar free, grain free, paleo, primal,vegan, fructogenearian, fodmap, dairy free or if you really want food free! And that is just to name a sliver of what is on the diet menu!

So what to do?

Firstly I want you take all your weight loss attempts of the past, thank them for being part of your journey, they have helped shape you (excuse the pun, I want you to smile!) and bring you to exactly where you are now, at this very second here with me!

Please don’t view them as another one of your failed attempts and please don’t beat yourself up either… you are worth so much more than that.

Those diets are not failure, they’re feedback.

Take the time to sit quietly and think about those times, what was working for you and what didn’t, can you see some patterns that repeated themselves?

Do you see that you may have needed support, direction, more in need of meal plans or perhaps you like to find your own way? Your past attempts will reveal a lot about your relationship with food, do see it as healthy relationship or one that frustrates you and makes you feel out of control?

Do you feel as though your weight is letting you down?

Are you questioning why can you be successful in so many other areas of your life, your work, your family, as a partner, sister, mother, aunt, daughter, but you just can’t get your weight and yes your health under control?

Guess what you’re not alone… This is not a problem you need to share on your own, as many amazing women are travelling the same bumpy road.

I believe there is a right way to go about it, and it’s not the RIGHT DIET! Or any other diet for that matter… guess what If you haven’t heard this already, diets don’t work!

First and foremost you need to get your head in right place. The right place for change, the right place so you can refocus, the right place so you have all the tools you need so you can drop the weight easily and I must admit relatively effortlessly.

Imagine that and you can start to see what exciting possibilities there are for you. How you’ll feel, how you’ll look what you’ll hear, or imagine what you’ll do?

I want you to ponder that for me and if you have the urge to start doing something about it right now then why don’t you download my guide teaching you how to eat mindfully.

It’s one of the first steps you can take and research now fully supports mindful eating as a way to freeing yourself from the baggage of weight loss. It’s free – from me to you to say thank you for being here!

Be Healthy, Happy & Amazing!

Caroline x