The 30 Day Sugar Detox Challenge Starts February 3, 2025. 💃🏻 Learn More!


“Too many people go through life without a plan. Some don’t even know they should have a plan in the first place. 

Others don’t know how to put a plan together. And still others have decided that they don’t want to create a plan and get their hopes up in case it doesn’t work out.  So they avoid the subject altogether. 

But the truth is, if you don’t design and pursue your own plan, you’ll spend your life helping other people fulfill theirs.

Your greatest fulfillment in life will come from your achievements.

That is, having a dream, creating a plan to get there, and carrying out that plan to its fruition. 

It doesn’t matter what the dream is. Whether it is to plant a garden, build a successful business, or raise a great kid. 

What matters most is that you get to spend your time living out your plan and not someone else’s. 

Do not spend your life in pursuit of another’s dream. 

Create your own plan and experience the deep satisfaction of experiencing it come true. 

There is nothing like the feeling of having your own dreams come true!

What can you do today to move closer to your goals and dream?

Please, please, please promise me you will do it!

Just take that one step! 

You will be so happy you did!”


These words of wisdom aren’t mine (unfortunately!) but Lily Jensen’s – Master Life Coach.  She expresses this concept of having your life plan so eloquently why try and reinvent the wheel?


Something to think about on a Monday! Tell me do you have your own life plan or are you living someone else’s? Time to check in and ask yourself that question….


Be Healthy & Happy…You deserve to Be!
