The 30 Day Sugar Detox Challenge Starts February 3, 2025. 💃🏻 Learn More!

So Stella and her dad Paul McCartney do it, so does Yoko Ono, Richard Branson, Oprah and one of her favourite chef’s Curtis Stone. The comedian Ricky Gervais does and so too Gwyneth (no need for a surname!!) and Al Gore!


Do you have any idea exactly what they might be doing?  No??

Meatless or Meat Free Mondays!

Hence very apt for my post today.. it’s Monday and time to put some momentum in your week!  The meat free movement actually originated in WW1 when the US government called on the public to embrace Meat Free Mondays and Wheat-less Wednesdays, reducing common staples to help the war effort.  President Woodrow Wilson was definitely ahead of his time! It was reinstated again in WW2.


Then in 2003 Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Center for a Livable Future, together with a not for profit company reintroduced Meatless Mondays as a health initiative for the US. It is now active in 34 countries across the globe including Australia.


So why go meatless on a Monday?


The most simple answer it is good for you, your health, the planet, it may save you some pennies and perhaps an animal or two! It is not a movement whose intention is to push you into becoming a vegetarian, in fact you become a flexitarian!!  I actually discovered that word today when doing my research, cool huh? Flexible in your choice of what you eat…making healthier choices that your body will thank you for, when it works best for you. Monday seems like as a good a day to choose as any to go meat free!


So back to Stella and Paul – they actually have their own website- Meat Free Mondays – and are passionate about spreading the word, so have a look to learn more. You can also go to Meatless Mondays Australia, where you will be enlightened with all the facts on actually how much meat we are eating and what is going on in our very own backyard!


Mmm I had fruit and gluten free muesli for breakfast…tick… roasted capsicum soup with chia for lunch… tick…now for dinner…. I am thinking a cashew nut and vegetable stir fry!

Do you think you could go meat free on a Monday?


Be Healthy & Happy!
