The 30 Day Sugar Detox Challenge Starts February 3, 2025. 💃🏻 Learn More!

I spoke with one of my clients last night who has successfully dropped 5 kilos since having a Intensive VIP Day with me mid January…. a fabulous result! She’d like to drop a couple more kgs and was a little frustrated that the number on the scale hadn’t moved in a week or so…

Firstly, I told her to be very proud of what she’d accomplished and to celebrate how much better – physically and emotionally – she was feeling, then we worked through some strategies together to move forward.

So as for those damn scales….I advise my clients not to be perpetual scale jumpers! What you may ask is a scale jumper? Well scale jumpers come in all shapes and sizes. Let me describe a few of them – I suspect you just might know one of them – intimately!!


…Jumps on their scales every morning, usually around the same time. First they have their obligatory loo stop, and then standing naked (because my god you don’t want to have your PJ’s on – they could add an extra 346 gms!)  they look expectantly, with eyes half closed down at the numbers…

THE Tentative AM JUMPER!

…Does exactly the same as the AM Jumper but once she steps off her scales, the Tentative AM Jumper is not quite sure if what she saw was absolutely correct, so she waits till the dial resets again at zero, then hops on again…….mmmmmm……… hops off again and just to be really sure what she saw is what she saw …… hops on one last time!


… Will not only jump on the scales in the morning as per their friends above, but they are more than likely to jump on the scales one more time, either later in the day or before bed. The loo stop is again obligatory, and the purpose of this particular behaviour is to witness how their body weight has fluctuated throughout the day!



I’m happy to fess up and say I’ve participated in all three of these behaviour rituals at various stages of my life – how do you think I know them so well?  But not any more!  It’s just not worth the angst. I’m not saying abandon the scales forever – even I can’t do that – but what I am saying is forgo the daily ritual.

Don’t be a perpetual scale jumper.

How you feel and how your body moves in your favourite pair of jeans or jacket is a far better indicator than those numbers that lie shamelessly at your toes. If those numbers do not give you the result you’re hoping for they can send your mind in a downward spiral. And more often than not, sets your mood for the day. If those numbers aren’t what you wished for it’s a BAD mood which often sends you to the pantry or fridge with the “aw stuff it!” mentality. NOT a great way to start your day!

Females should also remember that our beloved hormones can wreak havoc with those numbers sending them up when they should be coming down  or hold you in plateau mode for more days than that you care to remember – damn hormones they’re very infuriating!

So what do I suggest?

If you are a daily scale jumper you need to wean yourself off!

♥ If you can, go cold turkey.

♥ Start on a weekly basis – ideally same day and same time – to give you a consistent reading.

♥ If you can manage that change without too many withdrawal symptoms move it out to a fortnightly basis

♥ when feeling stronger again, try monthly!

♥ Then when you finally realise that in the grand scheme of things these numbers are actually not that important in determining who you are and how you feel  – throw them out!!

So tell me how many times a day/week do you scale jump?

Be Healthy & Happy!

Caroline x