The 30 Day Sugar Detox Challenge Starts February 3, 2025. 💃🏻 Learn More!


In my Melbourne town, it does feel like Spring is in the air. It’s almost like every second day the weather shows us a glimpse of what it to come, teasing us, then quickly hides behind another rain cloud!

Spring is time for spring cleaning, and I know I get the bug and in my house a few rooms get a complete and long overdue overhaul!

Have you ever thought that maybe your body could do with the same?

Spring is the time for growth and renewal and your body is energizing itself for the busy summer months to come. It is the perfect time to get rid of the toxins in your body and gain some rejuvenation after the colder months.

There is no hiding that many of us pack on a few kilos/pounds physically and emotionally from the heaviness of winter. Same for me too!  I can feel it right now, smugly sitting on my thighs! So now is the time for a cleanse. I like to call it a Reset.

Let’s Reset our bodies together, remove unwanted toxins and drop some unwanted winter weight that is hanging tightly onto your waistline or my thighs or your but…your back….or…..?

Interestingly many cultures have historically fasted or cleansed during the spring months, and all in radically different fashions. There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to a spring cleanse, but it is something everyone can benefit from. You need to choose one that is the best fit for you and your health. Your body may tell you what kind of cleanse it needs and for how long!

Spring as a season supports a Reset, as its the time nature produces many fruits and vegetables that are perfect for a natural detox. This includes berries, sprouts, greens, and bitter roots that also help improve your immunity and fight off toxins and diseases. Your body should crave different foods to prepare for and get in sync with the new season.

You know I’m a big advocate for listening to our bodies and and if you’re feeling vaguely sluggish and lacking in energy, then it’s more than likely that you will benefit from a spring clean!

There are so many benefits to cleansing your body. A Spring detox will help get rid of the toxic waste that has built up in your organs and cells which keep them from doing their job properly. As the snow melts, a detox can help you shed some added weight as well! Other benefits of a cleanse include healthier skin, improved digestive system, MORE ENERGY, improved immune system, clearer thinking, improved movement and flexibility, and the general feeling of renewal and rejuvenation filled with motivation as you feel lighter.

Some other ways to enhance your Spring cleanse is by taking some probiotics, antioxidants, massage therapy, saunas, aromatherapy baths, and exercise (sweat it out!).

Foods, ideally in their organic raw natural form, that you should focus on with a Spring cleanse include:

  • lemons
  • spinach
  • radishes
  • pineapples
  • artichokes
  • green tea
  • green peas
  • coriander
  • celery
  • sesame seeds
  • turmeric
  • cabbage
  • dandelion roots
  • citrus fruits
  • berries
  • asparagus
  • garlic.

During your cleanse, be sure to:

  • Hydrate: As you become more active you will need to drink more water
  • Practice clean eatin
  • Practice mindful eating
  • No caffeine, sugar, or alcohol.
  • Exercise
  • Meditate
  • Try to eliminate animal protein, eggs, wheat, gluten, corn and soy for the duration of your cleanse. These products have allergens, and you want to be as clean as possible.

If this is your first detox, you will need support from a health coach like mmmm me! I can walk you through a whole foods based detox program. Not only is it important to plan your detox, but planning your post-cleanse is just as important. You want to be sure to continue a healthier lifestyle by eating clean, hydrating, and limiting sugar, caffeine and alcohol intake.

And drumroll…….

If you’d like to make your life very easy and have all the work done for you, then I have what you need!!

My Eat Clean Reset Your Body 14 Day Program is ready now and I’d love you to take a look. I know it works as I’ve run this Reset twice now with great results for all of my Resetters. We have great fun along the way, there is a private supportive Facebook forum is available to you and the best thing about it is it all happens in 14 days!!

Surely you can give your body just 14 days of devotion and nourishment?

Join me …if not now….when?

detox Eat Clean Reset Your Body

Be Healthy, Happy & Amazing!

Caroline x