The 30 Day Sugar Detox Challenge Starts February 3, 2025. 💃🏻 Learn More!

I am reading a plethora (love that word) of stuff out there in the marketplace about superfoods. Everyone seems to have an opinion of what they are, how good they are for you, how you should include them in your diet and not to mention the list of their favourite top ten!

So what are superfoods? Basically it is a term describing foods with a very high nutrient content – they pack a lot of nutritional punch! Super foods are considered to have extra health benefits (compared with a ‘common’ food) because of their rich levels of antioxidants and phytochemicals – (wont go into to a nutrition 101 lesson but, high levels of antioxidants and phytochemicals are extremely beneficial in your diet!) As science allows us to learn more and more about the roles these foods play nutritionally, the more it seems particular foods reach superfood status.

No doubt you have all heard about how fabulous goji berries, kale, linseed, acai berries, flax seed and coconuts are to name a few, and, how you should include more of them in your diet. Don’t get me wrong I agree that all of these foods should be included in your diet. Particularly if wellness and weightloss is your thing, then it is these types of real foods that are going to make your journey easier and faster for you.

I suppose where the messages get a little confusing is this.  What you may not hear is how much of that certain type of super food you need to eat daily to achieve the associated health benefits.  And another is this some assume by including a super food in their daily mix gives permission to fill upon crappy food choices the remainder of the time! Ahhh no!!
I do not disagree with the concept of superfoods (there is by the way no official definition of the word superfoods- its a marketing term!) What I suppose does not sit comfortably with me is the misguided message that we reap the health benefits from one single food.

real+food We achieve sound nutritional health when our diet consists of a large variety of whole foods. A whole food being a food that is as close as possible to its natural state – I’m talking free range chicken not a KFC chicken nugget! A combination of whole foods in your diet work together to provide a vast range of macronutrients, vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, antioxidants, phytochemicals etc etc. They work together, in synergy – not individually.

We should aim to eat a wide variety of colourful fruit and vegetables, (remember the 2+5 rule), lean meat, wild fish, nuts and seeds, legumes, dairy and  whole grains for a well balanced and nutritionally sound and super diet.
So the question is do I have a top ten list of superfoods? No I don’t! However I do have a list of many foods which I think are nutritionally superb! And I will let you know my list very soon!!



Be Healthy & Happy!