The 30 Day Sugar Detox Challenge Starts February 3, 2025. đŸ’ƒđŸ» Learn More!


Sometimes when you think about losing the weight or becoming a healthier version of you… it seems all too hard!

Your life is busy, your days are full with work, running a family or both! You find yourself looking after everyone else but you. It’s far easier, you put you, how you feel about you and what you’re going to do about you on the back burner…for another day….another lifetime!


You don’t have the time, nor the energy to make anything happen. The task seems too big, there may be too much weight to lose and if you are honest with yourself, deep down you believe that you will never ever achieve your goal….

So what do you do?


1) You stop and take some time out for you. I’m not talking about running away or escaping for a few days (not such a silly idea – if you can arrange it go for it!). I’m suggesting just find your self an uninterrupted hour for ‘me time’.

2) When you find this time, sit quietly and  write down a list of things that YOU want – not the partner nor the kids – you. It may be ..lose weight, become fitter, pamper time, eat better, see friends more etc. Important! These wants must be stated in the positive!

3) Once you have your list, give each ‘want’ a value from top priority, being number one to the least.

4) Take your numero uno and ponder it, think about how you can achieve it, what things or habits you need to change, what actions you can take to make it happen and list these.

5) Finally, choose one action/change only.  It may the easiest, that’s OK, this isn’t a contest, it is you taking that first step. It will be this action that will help you get to where you want to go.

ACTION: Commit to yourself that THIS will be your first step……

then leave a comment below telling me what will your first step be? You can do this!


Be Healthy & Happy..You Deserve To Be!
