The 30 Day Sugar Detox Challenge Starts February 3, 2025. 💃🏻 Learn More!
Did you know every time you eat is an opportunity to nourish your body? I know you’ve been pondering how do you put it all together? What foods do you eat and why? Are there food combinations that you should follow? How do you know that you’re actually nourishing your body with the right foods?I don’t want to turn this into an 1000 word essay – I do have all that info bursting inside my brain, but there is only so long I can hold your attention when the beautiful Melbourne sun is shining outside!! (sorry if it’s not in your part of the world!)

I digress… if you were to ask me what are the absolute two things you must do for wellness and weight loss (if that is your goal) then here is my answer.

1) Eat REAL food.

What is real food?

  • It is food that is alive and grows under our sun, winds and rain. Think vegetables,fruit, nuts, seeds.
  • Food that comes from animals that are grass fed and roam freely, or swim wildly in our oceans and not in a penned farm. Think beef, lamb, pork, chicken, fish, and foods from those animals – eggs, dairy.
  • It is food that is full of  macronutrients, vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants, to nourish you from the inside out.

2) Learn how to keep your blood sugars stable.

Keeping your blood sugar levels on an even keel is so important for so many different reasons, and I go into much greater detail when working one on one or in my online program, but its all about insulin and the effect it has on your body and particularly your fats stores.

While your insulin levels are high – due to high carb, sugar intake –  your fat stores are in police shutdown – and the sugar is used as your primary energy source. So if you’re constantly eating a high carb/ high sugar diet you aint never gonna budge those kilos and wobbly bits!

By including a protein and healthy fat to the carb mix it will reduce the sugar load on your body, your blood sugars will not spike to the same extent, insulin won’t hang around as long and your fat stores will be called up for duty!

So what to do? Commit to eating real food 90% of the time and combine your foods as outlined above, and you’ll be  actively taking your wellness to the next level, and I’ve no doubt your body will thank you for it!


Be Healthy & Happy

Caroline x